iSida bot dev - @isida_bot_dev - 2023/07/24
08:24:28 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon join chat
08:24:36 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon hello
08:24:58 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon does isida-vi can be use for xmpp?
08:25:48 diSabler Андрей Hi. No.
08:25:50 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon i was trying to install isida-vi and a bit lost on the configuration file. it requires token and no account and password for the bot to login to xmpp
08:26:00 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon oh okay
08:26:17 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon so it's only for telegram bot then, the isida-vi?
08:26:48 diSabler Андрей Yep. 4 for xmpp. Vi for telegram
08:27:25 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon how do i obtain the token?
08:27:55 diSabler Андрей Via botfather bot
08:28:46 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon from previous chat above, isida 4 only works with python 2.7, i'm currently running python3 as required by isida-vi, should i uninstall and install python 2.7 instead?
08:30:53 diSabler Андрей 2.7 for isida 4, 3.x for isida vi.
08:30:56 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon i want to use isida on xmpp
08:31:09 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon ok got it
08:33:34 diSabler Андрей Xmpp is died. Python 2.7 deprecated. Isida 4 is frozen about 8 years...
08:38:15 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon you're right
08:38:54 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon i left xmpp in 2016, just recently login to my old xmpp account, it was deserted
08:39:06 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon sad
08:41:39 GrantSE Marvelous Dragon anyway, thanks for the work on the bot Андрей